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Author Bio

Author Adam Gilbert

What good is ANY diet or exercise program if we can't stick with it? Adam Gilbert, is the Founder and Chief Body Tutor of MyBodyTutor, a company he created in 2007 to help people finally stick to their diet and exercise plans, by providing daily and personal accountability like no other service in the world. Since then, MyBodyTutor has helped 100’s of people throughout the US and world get the body they want with its proven methods and system. Adam has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Good Morning America, The Huffington Post,, U.S. News & World Report, Conde` Nast Publications, Shape Magazine, Newsday, Press & Sun Bulletin, Binghamton Alumni Journal and Inside BU. He has been a featured guest on over a dozen major radio stations throughout the country. In 2008, he was recognized as a Millennial Leader.

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