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Author Arjun Arora
Arjun Arora is the founder and CEO of ReTargeter, a simple and effective online advertising platform. ReTargeter focuses on bringing bounced visitors back to your website, improving your conversion rates and overall ROI, and is available to businesses of all sizes. Prior to ReTargeter, Arjun was the Head of Business Development at Yahoo! Real Estate, where he first saw the opportunity in retargeting. Traditionally, retargeting was only available for $50,000+ minimum spends, but through ReTargeter, Arjun was able to democratize the technology and made it available to businesses of all sizes at a low cost. Coming from a family of entrepreneurs, Arjun has learned much from his father, grandfather, and younger brother, and has applied these lessons toward his own venture. Focusing on efficiency and building relationships, Arjun bootstrapped ReTargeter and has turned it into an advertising powerhouse, running campaigns for startups like Twilio and KISSinsights, to big brands like Microsoft and ING.