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Author Bio

Author Doug Bend

Doug Bend is the principal of The Law Office of Doug Bend, a law firm focused on start-up and small businesses. He is also the General Counsel for Modify Industries, Inc. and tIFc LLC and a Legal Mentor in The Hub Ventures Program. He prides himself in providing individuals and businesses with quality legal representation in forming, maintaining and growing business entities of many types, including corporations, limited liability companies and limited partnerships and in providing general legal advice and counsel. Prior to opening The Law Office of Doug Bend, Doug was a corporate attorney for a law firm in New York City before relocating to San Francisco where his brother lives. He also served as a Judicial Clerk for the Nebraska Supreme Court and the Superior Court of the U.S. Virgin Islands. Before law school, Doug was a Legislative Assistant for U.S. Representative David Price, where he managed a portfolio of issues including tax and small business.

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