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Author Bio

Author Bert Gervais

Bert Gervais, a.k.a. “The Mentor Guy” is one ofAmerica’s most in-demand professional speakers. He is anational best selling author, speaker, and award-winningentrepreneur. Having been born in Haiti, one of the poorest countries inthe world, Bert quickly realized the value of seizingopportunities and encourages his peers to do the same.In college at Binghamton University, he was a studentleader, activist, and an entrepreneur. His first company, aninternet startup which sold in 2009, garnered manyawards including the Entrepreneurs Organization’s “EastCoast Student Entrepreneur of the Year” Award for2006&2007. He went on to publish the critically acclaimedbook “Who’s in Your Top Hive?: Your Guide To FindingYour Success Mentors.” Bert has been a panelist for Global Entrepreneurship Week which is broadcast in front of over 7 millionpeople in 80 countries throughout the world. He has personally spoken in over 30 cities across the United States 10,000 young adults. Bert has alsopresented alongside the U.S. Department of Labor, as well as the National Chamber of Commerce andcountless associations. He was the youngest college commencement speaker in 2010. He has appeared in USA Today, Fox News,, and Young Money Magazine. The book “Millennial Leaders” by Bea Fields profiles Bert as one of the top Gen Y leaders in the country.He has accomplished all of this all before his 25th birthday.

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