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Author Cameron Johnson
Cameron Johnson started his first business at the age of nine and by age 12, he was making $50,000 per year. By age fifteen, his online advertising company was generating more than $15,000 per day in revenue. That same year, he became the youngest American to join the board of a Tokyo-based company and his autobiography was released in Japan, titled “15-Year-Old CEO”, which was an instant bestseller. At 25, Cameron has founded and sold more than a dozen successful businesses and has been featured in more than 250 media outlets worldwide including Newsweek, BusinessWeek, the New York Times, USA Today, CNBC, ABC, and MSNBC. He’s served as a consultant to several Fortune 500 companies and also competed on Oprah Winfrey’s ABC television series The Big Give, on which he was a finalist, and he also hosts Beat the Boss which airs on the BBC in the UK. In 2009, he became a recipient of the prestigious Ten Outstanding Young Americans award given by the US Junior Chamber. Past honorees include Presidents John Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Bill Clinton, in addition to Henry Ford II, Howard Hughes, Elvis Presley, and Christopher Reeve. His most recent book titled You Call the Shots: Succeed Your Way – And Live the Life You Want – With the 19 Essential Secrets of Entrepreneurship was released by Simon & Schuster and is available in stores worldwide. His official website is http://