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Author Bio

Author David Rusenko

 David Rusenko is the CEO and one of the founders of Weebly, a tech start-up based out of San Francisco, California. Weebly is an extremely simple and powerful way for anybody to create a website, blog, or online store. By visiting, small businesses, teachers, professionals and individuals can easily design and publish a web site within minutes. Weebly was named on of Time's 50 best websites of 2007, and has been featured in Newsweek, the Wall Street Journal, Inc and Entrepreneur magazines, as well as on NBC and the BBC. Over 5 million people signed up to create a website as of October 2010; every month, 4% of the United States visits a Weebly website. David lives and works in San Francisco, and enjoys traveling, scuba diving, DJing, and playing racquetball during his free time. His personal website can be found at

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