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Author Bio

Author Jesse Davis

Jesse Davis is a Madison, WI based entrepreneur, and co-founder of Entrustet. From digital estate planning software to digital property searches, Entrustet is a leader in the growing digital death industry. The idea for Entrustet came to Davis when reading about the story of Justin Ellsworth in Thomas Friedman's The World Is Flat. Entrustet has been featured in the NY Times Magazine, Fox Business, NPR, Forbes, CNN, Tech Crunch, and many more. Davis has become an active public speaker on the topic of digital death, including presentations at a number of tech conferences around the country, including South by Southwest in Austin, and the Web 2.0 Expo in NYC. Davis and Entrustet co-founder Nathan Lustig were also the 6th-ever team selected to the Start Up Chile Program, and were living in Santiago, Chile for the '10-'11 winter, effectively escaping the bitter Wisconsin winter. Davis is also a founding member of Capital Entrepreneurs, a food/cooking enthusiast, and a dedicated yogi.

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