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Author Bio

Author Jason Evanish

Jason Evanish was interested in entrepreneurship starting in college as an electrical engineer at Northeastern University. During this time he started a project in his senior year that continued as he pursued his Master's in Technological Entrepreneurship also at Northeastern University. This first attempt at startup, called AIOSPAR, attempted to bring the electrical engineer's lab equipment into the dorm room, but ultimately failed due to a myriad of technical and marketing issues. Shortly after graduation, he found himself having difficulty navigating the Boston startup community, which led to his co-founding of, a hub for all the resources, events and jobs in the local entrepreneur ecosystem. After a brief stint pursuing Greenhorn full time which included helping run a career fair and consulting with a startup, Jason joined, a Boston area startup creating a marketplace for applications integrating with the Twitter API as a lean startups practitioner with the title Customer Development Manger. You can find Jason out and about at Boston startup events, organizing great events like d8event and RamenCamp and sharing his skills he's learned in Lean Startups.

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