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Author Bio

Author Doug Fath

Doug Fath has sold two businesses, developed a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio, and helped individuals throughout North America generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in passive income. Doug’s real estate endeavors began at the age of 22, when he bought his first four properties, while receiving his bachelor’s degree at New York University’s Stern School of Business. His portfolio has doubled in size every year since! Doug’s strategy of acquiring income-producing properties below market value has enabled him to make money regardless of market conditions. Despite today’s tough economy and while most real estate investor’s are losing their shirts, student housing investments continue to provide great cashflow and appreciate, thanks to favorable demographics. With over six years experience in student housing, Doug is an expert in delivering products that fit the needs of both students and universities. Using the principles that worked for him and other successful entrepreneurs, Doug inspires and empowers individuals on their journey to financial freedom through coaching, seminars, and keynotes. Doug’s real estate endeavors have received national acclaim. He is a winner of the 2004 Bank of America Entrepreneurship Award and has been featured and interviewed by ABC News, The NYU Report, the Philadelphia Daily News, and Bloomberg TV. Additionally, Doug is a Keynote Speaker on ‘The Extreme Entrepreneurship Tour,’ which brings America’s top young entrepreneurs to college campuses across country. Finally, he is a featured speaker for both the American Management Association and Learning Annex.

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