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Author Bio

Author Lauren Friese

Lauren Friese is the founder of, Canada’s leading online career resource for students and recent grads. Lauren launched TalentEgg based on her own experiences transitioning from school into the workplace. She graduated from Queen’s University in 2005 and discovered that the school to work transition was not as seamless as she had anticipated. Like many of her peers, she decided to pursue graduate school, and earned her MSc from the London School of Economics the following year. In the UK Lauren discovered that the school to work transition was much easier, in part based on the resources available and the recent grad programs offered by employers. After a year of working for a consulting firm in London, England, she moved back to Canada to launch TalentEgg. Over the past 3 years, TalentEgg has been regularly featured in major media outlets such as The Globe & Mail and Canada AM, raising awareness about TalentEgg and the employment issues facing Canada's youth. TalentEgg has forged partnerships with many of Canada’s top employers, including IBM, Accenture, Kraft, and hundreds more.

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