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Author Bio

Author Craig Fuller

Craig Fuller is the founder of TransCard, a leading technology provider of virtual and mobile debit accounts. TransCard is one of the few privately-held prepaid processors in the world. His vision to combine mobile payment services with prepaid debit accounts has placed TransCard at the center of the mobile payment revolution. Many of the leading mobile payment applications chose TransCard as its processor to deliver mobile wallets and mobile virtual payment services. Community banks chose TransCard to outsource their low-balance transactional accounts and prepaid debit cards. Prior to starting TransCard and at age 26, Craig served as President of Xpress Global Systems, a wholly owned subsidiary of U.S. Xpress Enterprises. At XGS, Craig helped to orchestrate the sell of the company's airport-to-airport subsidiary to Forward Air Corporation. He oversaw the operations of the organization that included 90 locations around the US and employed more than 1400. Craig also was the founder of Xpress Direct. Established while he was 23 years old, Xpress Direct grew to over $100 million dollars in revenue within 2 years and became one of the largest providers of ground expedite services in North America. The company offers on-demand and surge capacity to some of the largest Fortune 500 companies, including Wal-Mart, Home Depot, UPS, Sony, Nissan, Clorox, and Nestle. Xpress Direct was also a leading provider of emergency logistics to FEMA and was recognized with the Quest for Quality Award as best in class—the highest honor in the logistics sector. Craig has been featured on the Today Show, Newsweek, BBC, Fortune, MSNBC, Forbes, Venture Wire, and INC magazine.

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