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Author Bio

Author Saul Garlick

Saul Garlick is a social entrepreneur with a long history in public service. Saul is Founder and CEO of ThinkImpact, an global social enterprise that hosts the Innovation Institute, a 10-week full immersion opportunity for US students to live and work in rural Africa to end poverty through market-based solutions. He is best known for his leadership on poverty alleviation in Kenya and South Africa where he has played a direct role in the implementation of over 50 development projects including schools, sports fields, sanitation projects and community halls. Saul founded a non-profit organization at the age of 17 called Student Movement for Real Change, which rebranded to ThinkImpact in 2009. From that, he spun out a for-profit company, which is now his primary focus. A national speaker, he sits on numerous boards including the Board of Stakeholders for the University of the Pacific Global Center for Social Entrepreneurship. He is a Truman Scholar who blogs regularly on Huffington Post and Social Edge. An avid runner, skier and Broncos fan, Saul gets back to Denver, his hometown, whenever someone provides an excuse to go.

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