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Author Amanda Holt
Amanda Holt believes that happy careers happen, even for twenty-somethings. So she's committed her twenty-somethings to finding the most passionate, innovative young professionals and capturing their stories as fuel for inspiration-hungry students and post-grads. Amanda is the founder and CEO of shatterbox, an inspiration and information platform for young people on a quest for their career calling. Launched in May 2010 as a part-time passion project, the site is a showcase for dozens of video vignettes, a dynamic social network where members seek and share advice and a resource blog featuring both editorial and curated information on finding one's way in the career machine. The site has been profiled in The New York Time and the vignettes have been featured on where Amanda serves as a freelance producer for series like "Change Generation" and "Innovation Agents." Amanda speaks at events and universities nationwide and holds a bachelor's degree in Public Policy and Cultural Anthropology from Duke University.