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Author Bio

Author Lewis Howes

Lewis Howes is a former 2 sport All-American and the current world record holder for the most receiving yards in a single football game. He is an angel investor in affiliate marketing and mobile app companies along with an inventor in fitness products. He the author of two books on LinkedIn. Along with his LinkedIn book, he has hosted over 300 webinars, and created educational training products such as Linked Influence (advanced LinkedIn training), 500 Million Strong (advanced social media training), Shy Networking (a networking course for introverts), and Magnetic Webinars (a webinar marketing course). Lewis also is founder of the Sports Executives Assocation and has one of the largest networks of sports industry professionals on the Internet. He has been a guest writer for many popular sites and also been featured in media outlets such as Forbes, Fast Company, Time, Details Magazine, The Washington Post, ESPN and more. You can learn more at

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