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Author Bio

Author Jack Delosa

Jack Delosa’s career, still in his twenties has spanned business, media and politics. Jackheaded up MBE Education growing it by 600% per annum, ultimately beinglisted in the Fastest Growing 50 Start-Ups in Australia by SmartCompany. The group of corporate advisors at MBE are today executing over $250 million incorporate transactions. Due to this overwhelming success at such a young age, Jack has been namedin the Top 10 Entrepreneurs Under 30 in Australia in the Dynamic BusinessMagazine Young Guns, and twice in Australian Anthill’s 30Under30 Publication. Jack also works with The Branson School of Entrepreneurship in South Africa, and is the youngest ever Australian to sit on the board of The Small BusinessDevelopment Corporation, a body which advises the NSW Small BusinessMinister on issues relating to business. Today Jack heads up The Entourage, offering education and advisory forentrepreneurs. He has become a media spokesperson for entrepreneurshipinternationally, writing for over eight international business publications including thinkBIG Magazine, StartupSmart and Under30CEO.

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