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Author Jennifer Kushell
Jennifer Kushell is the founder and Chief Evangelist of (“Your Success Network”), a leading destination for career exploration and development tips, tools and resources for young professionals and entrepreneurs looking to take their careers to the next level. As author of the New York Times Best Seller, Secrets of the Young & Successful and The Young Entrepreneur's Edge, Kushell started her entrepreneurial career at 13 and has been teaching in one form or another since 19. Today she is a celebrated speaker, strategic consultant and recognized thought leader on the emerging global workforce. Called “The Career Doctor” by Cosmopolitan and a “guru” of her generation’s entrepreneurial movement by US News & World Report, Kushell has appeared in front of over 200 million people via major media such as CNN, CNBC, BBC, NPR, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, BusinessWeek, Entrepreneur, and Seventeen.