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Author Warren Jolly
Warren Jolly has been a successful Entrepreneur since his High School years. Founding his first business (Nebulant Corp) at the age of 17, Warren quickly established himself as a well-recognized expert in the field of affiliate marketing, also known as online pay-for-performance marketing. The company was acquired by a AIM-listed company in 2003 and gave Warren the opportunity to first experience an M&A transaction. Today, at the age of 26, Warren has built his current company (Affiliate Media) into a fast-growing media empire which is focused on helping companies establish affiliate marketing strategies on the internet alongside educating consumers on launching their own online marketing business to gain their own financial freedom. Affiliate Media was recognized by Inc. Magazine as the 129th fastest-growing privately-held company in the United States in 2009 and the 11th fastest-growing company in Orange County, CA by OC Business Journal. Warren has ran the company's sales efforts, product development, and marketing efforts, in addition to recruiting a dynamic, intelligent team of professionals whom have all contributed to the company's success. Warren is active in the South Asian and Entrepreneurial communities. A few of the organizations which Warren has supported include South Asia Network, Young Entrepreneur's Organization, and local community Entrepreneurship mentoring associations. Warren has also been interviewed by the India Journal, Mixergy, Young Entrepreneurs, and others.