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Author Bio

Author Jordan Goldman

Jordan Goldman is the author of Students' Guide to Colleges 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008, from Penguin Books. He is also the founder and CEO of, which The Wall Street Journal called "a college resource built for the age of YouTube and Facebook", The New York Times called "vivid in a way no guidebook can match," and Always On named "One of the 100 Private Companies with the Biggest Impact on the Public Sector." Through an exclusive partnership with The Wall Street Journal, Jordan created a new brand - WSJ On Campus - which produces journalism about college admissions and college life. Though an exclusive partnership with McGraw Hill, he helped create original curriculum on college and career readiness taught in high schools throughout America. He has been an education expert on more than 50 episodes of ABC News, has moderated live events for both The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, and is a blogger for The Huffington Post. Jordan has been featured in the New York Times, NY Times Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, US News & World Report, Time, Forbes, Newsweek, Inc, Wired, Entrepreneur, USA Today and The Washington Post, and has been a guest on ABC News, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, Fox Business Channel and Bloomberg News. He was educated at Wesleyan University and Oxford University. Jordan is 28 years old.

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