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Author Bio

Author Dan Koifman

Dan Koifman looked in the mirror one day and decided one chin was enough. He was an obese public relations professional with who worked crazy hours for clients that included The Emmy Awards, venture-backed startups and prominent philanthropists. After hiring a personal trainer and making small changes in his life, he was able to lose 50lbs in just six months. This personal change snowballed into a professional and Dan decided to help other people reach their fitness goals by launching Workaholic Workouts, a personal training company that brings top personal trainers with equipment to busy clients where ever they are; at home, in the office during lunch hour and even clients hotels while they travel around the world. Previously, Dan directed The Bank of America Youth Entrepreneur Program, which enabled young people from low-income communities to start their own businesses and social enterprises. In addition, he has worked with start-ups ranging from a hedge fund/venture capital consulting firm, to a digital marketing company and a real estate agency. Dan is a Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach. He holds a bachelors degree in Entrepreneurship Management and International Studies from Baruch College and lives in New York, with his dog and two laptops.  

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