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Author Bio

Author Kwame Kuadey

Kwame Kuadey is an entrepreneur, startup advisor, and public speaker. Kwame started his first company, on a shoestring and bootstrapped it into a profitable, multi-million dollar business. He has been featured in the New York Times, Forbes, NPR, Entrepreneur, The Washington Post, and many more. Kwame was a contestant on the hit ABC show “Shark Tank,” where his business successfully landed an investment. He is an engaging public speaker and enjoys working with aspiring entrepreneurs on how to bootstrap a startup. In his spare time, Kwame runs The Economic Empowerment Coalition of Baltimore, an entrepreneurship development program founded by his local church that aims to nurture an army of Kingdom-minded entrepreneurs. He is a graduate of Middlebury College with a B.A. in Economics and holds an M.B.A. from the Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School. His official site is

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