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Author Bio

Author Matt Lauzon

Matt Lauzon founded Gemvara as a student at Babson College. Gemvara was born when Matt uncovered a niche in the jewelry industry at the intersection of eCommerce and mass customization. His “meCommerce” vision provides everyone with a seamless online shopping experience to discover the perfect piece of jewelry. Taking notes from how Dell transformed PC customization, Zappos revolutionized online customer service and Netflix enabled the seamless discovery of movies, Matt is leading Gemvara to becoming the world’s fastest growing online jeweler. Matt already secured three rounds of funding totaling over $25M in financing from Highland Capital Partners, Canaan Partners and Balderton Capital, and is one of the only founders in the New England area, under age 30, to obtain VC funding of this size in the past five years. Matt earned a B.S. in Business Management from Babson College where he was an Arthur M. Blank Scholar. At Babson, he was named one of America's “Top Entrepreneurs Under the Age of 25” by BusinessWeek, was the winner of the John H. Muller Jr. Business Plan Competition and was awarded the Shelby Cullom Davis prize for social entrepreneurship. Most recently, Babson College awarded Matt with its Distinguished Alumni Award. Matt also serves on the 2010 Future Leaders Group for the Massachusetts Innovation & Technology Exchange and the Advisory Board for the annual Nantucket Conference, which brings together entrepreneurs and innovators.

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