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Author Benjamin Leis
Benjamin Leis is the Owner and Founder of Sweat EquiTees, a clothing company for entrepreneurs. The mission of Sweat EquiTees: an expression of entrepreneurship nationwide, is to support and promote entrepreneurship by providing the clothing to display entrepreneurial pride and through evocative designs, inspire would-be entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams. Benjamin is a serial entrepreneur, having started the first of six organizations at the age of 18 years-old as a freshman at the University of Miami and selling his first for-profit business at the age of 26. He has established himself in the college student and youth markets having developed five different brands in the industry. He was a finalist in the 2004 University of Miami's Rothschild Business Plan Competition and Fellow in the University of Miami's The Launch Pad. He is an active member of the Miami startup community's Refresh South Florida, The Startup Forum, and the University of Miami's The Launch Pad. He holds a Bachelor's of Science in Communication degree from the University of Miami (2004).