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Author Bio

Author Jarryd Loyd

Jarryd Loyd is the CEO and Senior Partner of Black Tie International Investment Group (BTIIG). Playing Division One basketball for Valparaiso University for four years, achieving both academic awards and basketball honors catapult Jarryd into professional Basketball in countries such as Italy, Latvia, New Zealand, Poland, and Romania all at the age of 24. Jarryd’s keen understanding that life is a journey and a development of transitions, manifested an “aha” moment while visiting the former Chicago Mercantile Exchange in late 2008. Loyd began a serious Journey of Academia while finding a passion for the markets. In 2008-2009 At the age of 22 while still playing professional basketball, Jarryd invested a small amount of capital at that time in Uranium Energy Corp, Dry's Shipping, and an unknown to the world stage Chinese Company Alibiba which later became one of the biggest IPO's since Google. After successfully liquidating his positions he created BTIIG, an international “Think Tank” that specializes in alternative investment strategies in the trading of global financial and commodity futures. He also ventured into Chicago Residential Properties, and the creation of the Chicago born clothing line “ABAJE.” Black Tie International Investment Group has members from North America, to the Oceania, Europe, and Asia. In 2010 Jarryd partnered with MNE properties and long time close friend Sead Odzic to spearhead a movement to become the future of affordable housing in Chicago residential real estate. Also, in 2010, BTIIG partnered with Art-Element now an innovative membership based art social network and marketplace venture. Black Tie International Investment Group and its partners currently manage assets in the millions. As a code of ethics, money is hardly discussed in lieu; our aim is to create a culture that focuses on holistic management for our partners and private clients. Jarryd and his partners are currently working on an innovative product for active men, women, college, and professional athletes. He also serves on the Board of the Agape Youth Organization.

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