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Author Bio

Author Alexandra Mayzler

Alexandra Mayzler is the founder and director of Thinking Caps Tutoring. She began her career in education while still a student herself and channeled her personal experiences into creating study methods that her students could relate to. Over the past several years, Alexandra has crafted an innovative Study Skills Program for middle and high schoolers and a series of prep courses for standardized tests. In addition to Thinking Caps Tutoring, she frequently writes and speaks on topics in education and consults with New York schools regarding curriculum. Alexandra is the author of Tutor in a Book, a hands-on study manual for students, parents, and teachers. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Parenting, Forbes, and CBS News. Alexandra lives in New York and spends her free time thinking about how to make studying easier, more interesting, and above all, enjoyable for her students.

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