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Author Caitlin McCabe
Caitlin McCabe is the CEO and Founder of Real Bullets Branding, an agency that specializes in brand advocate strategy. As someone who has been integrally involved in social media marketing since its outset, Caitlin works with brands, products and business groups across the country to help them build successful (and manageable) online marketing strategies. Caitlin started her career in newspaper at the University of Iowa and from there moved out to Colorado to try her hand at radio. She wrote the news and DJ’d the morning show. Little did she know that it would be here that she would fall in love with real time feedback. She found that she could say things about different subjects on the air and watch the phone lines light up depending on what she was talking about. The minute Myspace came around she knew that this medium would be the next phase in two-way communication between content and its audience. Real Bullets Branding is Caitlin's second company. She is also an advisor for several other online startups.