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Author Bio

Author Morgan First

Morgan First was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA and headed to Boston for college where she earned her degree from Emerson College in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. After graduating she started Motion Affair Planner (MAP) BOSTON a combination local city guide and planner that she printed for 3 years and sold successfully at Barnes and Noble locations across the city before switching her full-time focus to all things wine and social media. As Co-Founder and CEO of Second Glass Morgan is the networker, the press liaison and the instigator/organizer behind Wine Riot, the first wine tasting of its kinda to make learning about wine as much fun as drinking it. Morgan has been recognized for her upbeat can do attitude and success in The Boston Globe, MSNBC's Your Business and was most recently named of of INC Magazines 30 Under 30 Coolest Young Entrepreneurs. You can find Morgan back and forth between Boston and LA as Second Glass expands its empire.

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