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Author Bio

Author Lindsay Reinsmith

Lindsay Reinsmith is the founder, CEO, and creator of Kaeng Raeng, an all natural, vegan meal replacement supplement sold online and in Whole Foods Market. After keeping a not-so-healthy lifestyle as a Stanford student and then an investment banker, Lindsay became obsessed with raw veganism and began creating a “detox” formula in her kitchen to kick those unhealthy habits. At 23, she posted on Facebook about her weight loss and health success, and when others asked to try to this unique formula, Kaeng Raeng was born. Today, KR is made in a certified GMP facility in Palo Alto, CA, and has been endorsed and featured by famous vegans and animal activists including Kim Barnouin, author of the Skinny Bitch diet book series, and Alicia Silverstone, author of The Kind Diet. Lindsay is also a vegan and animal rights activist; a portion of every sale of Kaeng Raeng goes to The American Humane Society. Kaeng Raeng is a bootstrapped, privately held corporation based in Palo Alto.

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