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Author Bio

Author Sam Altman

Sam Altman is the co-founder and CEO of Loopt, a company that builds mobile applications to help people enjoy the friends, places, and events around you right now. Sam sees mobile location as helping to make serendipity happen, completely transforming how people can and will communicate on their mobile devices. Since founding the company in 2005 while studying at Stanford University, Sam has consistently been recognized for his entrepreneurship. He was featured in Inc. Magazine’s Top 30 Entrepreneurs Under 30, BusinessWeek’s Tech’s Best Entrepreneurs, and Paul Graham’s 5 most interesting startup founders of the last 30 years. As an early innovator in mobile location services, Sam joined Apple CEO Steve Jobs on stage at WWDC 2008, presenting Loopt as one of the first applications in the iPhone App Store. Sam has been a valuable source for many media outlets including Charlie Rose, CNN, The Economist, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and numerous others. Additionally, he mentors new companies at the venture company Y-Combinator, and is on the Advisory Boards for a number of Silicon Valley startups. Today, Loopt offers a suite of mobile applications that are enjoyed by more than 4 million people. Loopt’s apps continually appear in the top 100 of iTunes, and are featured in various mobile operating stores (including Android and Blackberry).

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