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Author Bio

Author Jacob Share

The founder of Paris, France-based Share Select Media, Jacob Share is best known as the job search expert who created the award-winning JobMob at, one of the top job search blogs in the world. From Jacob: “My career includes past jobs in Canada, France, the United States and Israel. As someone who has undertaken job searches many times both as a candidate and as a hiring manager, the idea for JobMob came about when I realized that I was having more job search success than other job seekers and a blog seemed the best way to share this knowledge.” Launched in 2007, JobMob is filled with straight-talking advice based on real world experience and lots of humor thrown in. In less than 5 years, JobMob has been viewed over 6 million times as it continues to grow. Jacob and JobMob have appeared on the websites of The New York Times, CNNMoney, The Globe and Mail, FHM, Sports Illustrated, The Guardian, The Jerusalem Post, and more.

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