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Author Bio

Author Nicole Smartt

Nicole Smartt is the Vice President and Co-owner of Star Staffing. Nicole has been active in the HR industry for over 7 years. She started her career "working a desk" and learning what it takes to make the ideal match between employee and employer. Nicole's drive, expertise, and professionalism are recognized by industry leaders and business partners. She is driven to provide long-term solutions for clients in regards to cost-savings and productivity improvement! But her work doesn’t stop there. Nicole is a co-founder for the Young Professionals Network of Petaluma. She has also been a member of SHRM, NCHRA, the Employment Advisory Council, and many others. Besides serving on the California Staffing Professionals Board as well as the Professional Association of Sonoma County Human Resource(PASCO HR) Board, Nicole volunteers for a multitude of charitable organizations and is actively involved in the local chambers. She was recently the recipient of the Northbay's Forty under 40 award recognizing top business leaders in the community under the age of 40.

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