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Author Robert Sofia
Robert Sofia is a nationally recognized author, award winning public speaker, and financial industry thought leader. He has developed marketing strategies for Fortune 500® companies, personally coaches hundreds of financial advisors nationwide, and is the C.O.O and cofounder of Platinum Advisor Marketing Strategies. Robert holds his General Securities and Investment Advisor registrations from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), and has helped build two multimillion dollar producing financial firms – one as the vice president of marketing, and the other as company vice president. Early in 2009, when Robert cofounded Platinum Advisor Marketing Strategies, his vision was to help restore trust to an industry badly affected by the financial crisis and the likes of Bernie Madoff. Through his marketing and consulting firm, he and his partners are helping thousands of independent financial advisors build stronger businesses. Robert writes for a number of industry journals including AdvisorOne, Senior Market Advisor, National Underwriter, ProducersWEB, and various broker dealer publications. He is author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Business Success In Your 20’s and 30’s, as well as Members Only – Harnessing the Power of Exclusivity to Create an Endless Referral Stream. Robert is an honorary Apex Society member and a Power 30 Under 30™ award recipient.