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Author Bio

Author Kimberly Stone

Kimberly E. Stone, founder of, is an entrepreneur with a knack for recognizing creative talent and pinpointing successful lines. POSHGLAM started out as a side venture while Stone attended school. During the growth stages of POSHGLAM, Stone worked as a weekend entrepreneur while working as a Relationship Manager for an IT Staffing Augmentation Firm. Stone pushed forward with the development of POSHGLAM and it began to take reign in the online fashion industry. POSHGLAM became Stone’s primary career, and a full-time business endeavor. From an early age, Stone indulged herself into the fashion world. She was an avid fashion magazine reader, made her own clothes in high school, took some designing courses with a local designer while in college and won the “best dressed” superlative in high school. Stone surrounds herself with other likeminded fashion forward individuals to help further establish POSHGLAM, and attributes its success to many helping hands that have assisted along the way. POSHGLAM has spread into the international markets gaining a mass readership in more than 147 countries, serving pertinent news on designers and brands, events and trends making it a great place to browse, shop, interact and discover. Stone continues to build upon POSHGLAM, creating an online fashion enterprise that is more than just a blog, it’s an interactive luxury social media outlet.

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