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Author Bio

Author Aj Thomas

Angelé Jean (AJ) Thomas is a quintessential Generation Y employee of various Fortune 500 firms and start-up ventures with the goal to operationalize, evangelize and implement social entrepreneurship programs in inner-city communities. At age 22, Aj Thomas founded a consulting firm Entré Worldwide offering unique expertise and access to a network of professionals that blended successful entrepreneurial experience, academic/legal insight and practical business analysis to Gen Y and inner-city youth in the Silicon Valley. This venture led to consulting opportunities, including for Google’s Innovation Strategy teams and several high-tech firms. Three years later, Entré Worldwide has branched into the social entrepreneurship circle by establishing Infuse Entrepreneurship, a nonprofit wing of the organization that brings opportunities to inner-city schools showing students that possibilities are endless in pursuit of their own ideas to make the world a better place. This program offers scholarship and internship opportunities to inner city high school students who participate in the 8-month long program that challenges youth of tomorrow to innovate and actively create product-based businesses that contribute to green and biotechnology sectors. A graduate of San José State University with a major in Business Administration and a Minor in Organizational Psychology, AJ also is a Stanford University Certified Project Manager who has worked in the Human Resources field in the Silicon Valley supporting various global HR operations and international teams. She is also the Co-Founder of The Gen Y Corporate Synergy Council which connects young professionals under 30 working in a corporate environment and provides a call to action to raise awareness about generational workplace evolution. Amongst the endeavors mentioned, AJ Thomas currently, works at Infinera Corporation, a high-tech IP company located in Sunnyvale, California. AJ Thomas serves on the advisory board for Grace Community Outreach, a non-profit that provides social service consulting to low-income families in the San Francisco Bay Area and serves as the youngest member of the Board of Directors The Genesis Group International Inc. based in Los Angeles, California.

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