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Author Bio

Author Brian Wong

Brian Wong is the founder of kiip (pronounced "keep"), a mobile rewards network, backed by True Ventures. Kiip has raised over $4.4 million in funding to date and is redefining the advertising industry through a "moments"-based value model, versus the traditional attention based screen estate model. Very recently, Kiip was listed by Forbes as one of the "4 Hot Online Ad Companies to Put on Your Watch List". Techcrunch and the Wall Street Journal called Brian the "youngest person to ever receive funding by a venture capital firm". He was an early Bachelors of Commerce graduate from the University of British Columbia, graduating at the age of 18, after skipping four grades in elementary and high school. He was recently lauded in Mashable as one of "The Top 5 Young Entrepreneurs to Watch", and the Vancouver Sun called him "a budding internet visionary". He was also recently a recipient of the Top 20 Under 20 awards in all of Canada. Before starting kiip, Brian was responsible for key publisher and tech partnerships at the social news website He also launched the Digg Android mobile app, adding to the company's rising mobile presence.

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